Online registration for "The Eight Principles of Thriving Relationships -- Free Download" is now closed. Ticket sales will resume at the door. Please check back to the website for additional information. We look forward to seeing you at the event!

     The Eight Principles of Thriving Relationships 

Michael Bernard Beckwith

Digital download of Eight Priniciples for Thriving Relationships by Michael B Beckwith (PDF Format)

Relationships are at the core of everything we experience in life. From our relationships with intimate partners, family, friends, colleagues, employers and employees, to nature and the environment, and most importantly, our relationship with our Self and Spirit, how we relate influences and shapes our lives more than we imagine.

Through this series of eight essays on the principles of thriving relationships, Dr. Beckwith takes you on a journey of clarity and insight into the true nature of relationships, and how to create and experience them from a place of unconditional love, wholeness, and well-being.